Let God be the center of your life.
a group of male ministries smiling

Our Beliefs

Here at Chosen Generation Ministries Church, we believe in the transforming power of God’s words, will, and love. We look to inspire a new generation to help spread the word of God out to the world as we believe that this can help unite people from different backgrounds and grow their spiritual faith.

Our Mission

Our ministry is designed to Evangelize, Support, Equip, Cover, and Mobilize the Believers in every aspect of their lives, restoring the remnant to its ideal state as God’s own special people, which was founded in the first man, Adam, and fully manifested in the Person of Jesus, who is the Christ.

Our Vision

The Vision and calling of Chosen Generation Ministries Church is to Take a people from the enemy’s grasp who have been Wounded, Broken, Ruled and who are Perishing and Restore them, revealing to them the God in them who produces Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical, Financial, and Social Wholeness, Returning to them the knowledge of God’s love, Transforming them into Disciples made ready for Spiritual Warfare.

Our Foundational Scripture

1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Our Motto

“Transforming a Generation”

Our Beliefs

What we believe at Chosen Generation Ministries Church:

  • The Bible – is the only holy writ. It is the Word of God. God is it’s author and it is infallible and without blemish.
  • God – exists eternally perfect. He has always existed. He is creator of the universe and of man. He exists in 3 manifestations Father, Son, and Holy Ghost and is yet still One God.
  • Jesus – is the second manifestation of God. As both God and Man, He came into the world, born without sin as the only begotten Son, lived a perfect life, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the 3rd day, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father as Lord and Savior, in who’s Name we pray.
  • Holy Spirit – is the 3rd manifestation of God. He existed in the Old Testament as the Spirit who would come upon the patriarchs and the prophets that they can be used by God. In the New Testament He comes inside saved man and gives them gifts to used of by God.
  • Man – created in the image of God, fell in sin in the garden, needs salvation in Christ Jesus to be reconciled to God, saved by grace, destined for heaven with Christ, destined for hell without Christ.
  • Salvation – can only be granted by grace through faith in Jesus and is needed for access into heaven.
  • Resurrection – Just as Jesus was resurrected from the dead, all who die in Christ will be resurrected to live forever.
  • Baptism – is the ceremony that symbolizes the resurrection in Christ. It does not save, but it is to be done out of obedience.
  • Church – is the congregation of all those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior throughout time past, present, and future.
  • Heaven – is the spiritual dwelling of God and the angels and all those who have died in Christ and the destination of all who remain alive in Christ.
  • Hell – the spiritual prison that holds many of the fallen angels as well as all who die without having accepted Jesus as their Lord. Hell is destined to hold satan and all whose names are not found in the book of life and will be cast into the lake of fire.
  • Faith – is confidence in God, Confidence in God’s Word, and confidence in God’s good will towards us. We are saved by grace through faith.

Send Us a Message

To know more about our services and future events, feel free to send us a message anytime at your convenience.

man and woman smiling